Sinn Féin-Trevor O Clochartaigh
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Our day has come!

It is time for change in the political landscape of Ireland. Sinn Féin are the only party in this General Election who are truly offering the people of Ireland a different approach when it comes to policies, attitudes and representation. We have been sold out by this Government and they have ruined our economy. It’s time to take a strong, moral stand on economic and budgetary issues. Jobs must be created and employment provided for our people by making the most of our culture, heritage and natural resources.

As a country, we must once again decide our own priorities in the areas of health, education and social welfare. All must be treated equally, as oppose to favouring those who are within the ‘golden circles’. We must turn our backs on ‘gombeen’ politics to ensure that the wealth of this country is spent properly to enable the improvement of our schools and hospitals, which could provide much needed local, meaningful employment.

We must tax those who are in a position to pay, as oppose to penalising those who are on lesser incomes, lower social welfare payments, have hefty mortgages, pay extra educational expenses and more for their public services.

We must put an end to the mentality that is hell bent on privatising our health services, water and electricity - the same mentality that fuelled the Celtic Tiger and which has left us in the economic mess that we are in.

We must ensure also that this country and its citizens get a fair share of the wealth that will come from the exploitation of our gas, oil, wind, wave and other natural resources.

Vote No.1 Trevor O Clochartaigh

We must stand firm to reverse the devastation that has been wreaked on our farming and fishing sectors. You can depend on Sinn Féin to do this.

We must be active and positive when it comes to the Gaeltacht and Irish language issues. Sinn Féin is the best party to ensure this. Our official language must be supported and strengthened and all the employment potential that ensues must be exploited fully.

We need strong leadership. Sinn Féin will give this. We have proven to be formidable, but fair when it comes to negotiating. We are central to the Government of Northern Ireland, which is not always easy, but have made great progress to ensure peace and prosperity for all our people and to move ever closer to achieving the goal of a united Ireland.

We were right on the economy when we suggested the setting up of a National Bank and to let Anglo Irish go. We were right about Lisbon when we said it would allow Europe to have a much stronger role in our sovereign affairs. We are also right that we can get out of the mess we are in, but only if we elect strong, dynamic politicians who will take brave and bold decisions to build a brighter future for our children and all the people fo Ireland.

Sinn Féin and Trevor Ó Clochartaigh are ready to take that stand. Are you ready to do your bit and give us your Number One Vote, to show the other parties that there is a better way, that you will no longer put up with the corruption, greed and lies? The power is in your hands. You have the ability to change politics in this country forever. It is up to you, then it is up to us.

Our Day has Come.

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